Welcome to the website of Jan Kaspersen
You will find biogbioraphy, diskography, quotations from press reviews, calendar with locations where Jan Kaspersen are playing and more. And links for purchasing Kaspersen CDs and sheet music from a bunch of his recorded compositions. It is also possible to downloade PR photos from this site.
“A clever and boisterous improviser and group leader the Copenhagen-born Kaspersen is a bright light in his native jazz.” Richard Cook. Encyclopedia of Jazz.
“Marvellous records from a Dane whose music is a beautifully personal inventive and humorous responce to the particular influence of Thelonious Monk.” The Penguide Guide to Jazz.
” Kaspersens “Memo to the Moon” rose in this reviews opinion from unpredictable dark horse to early candidate for BIg Band Jazz of the year. Highly recommended.” Jack Bowers – ALL ABOUT JAZZ.
Jan Kaspersen Quartet : Off Minor ( Thelonius Monk )

On The Spot – Jungle Money 2
01) Opening (0:55)02) Attention (4:01)03) Breathing (4:02)04) Wakefull (8:35)05) Textures (5:00)06) Combustion (4:15)07) Sayings ( 6:04)08) Distillation (3:08)09) Crossounds (5:34) Total time : 42:26 Olufsen

01) Parade in Progress (3:24)02) Message for Tchicai (5:14)03) Rhino (4:27)04) Sun Ra by Sunrise (6:12)05) Catch me if you can (4:28)06) Top Pot (6:23)07)

01) Villavej symfoni (4:58)02) Så mange muligheder ( 2:15)03) Baggårds session (5:37)04) Ventilation05) Telefoni FIOL SESSIONS master series fiol 201 Claus Høxbroe, spoken wordsJan Kaspersen,